Strategic Overview
The CSOS’s Strategic Plans institutionalise government priorities as set out in the National Development Plan (NDP), the NDP Five-Year Implementation Plan, the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), provincial priorities, sector priorities, local government priorities, and any other government medium- and long-term plans. The five-year Strategic Plan, which is aligned to the planning cycle, outlines the CSOS’s impact statement, outcomes, related outcome indicators and five-year targets for outcomes.
The Strategic Plan informs our Annual Performance Plans.
The CSOS’s Strategic Plans institutionalise government priorities as set out in the National Development Plan (NDP), the NDP Five-Year Implementation Plan, the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), provincial priorities, sector priorities, local government priorities, and any other government medium- and long-term plans. The five-year Strategic Plan, which is aligned to the planning cycle, outlines the CSOS’s impact statement, outcomes, related outcome indicators and five-year targets for outcomes.
The Strategic Plan informs our Annual Performance Plans.