How to Apply:
Applications to Waiver CSOS Levies and Fees can be submitted to the CSOS provided that the applicant does not have the financial capacity to pay for the prescribed fee as set out in the Community Scheme Ombud Service Act, 2011 (Act No 9 of 2011).
Applications can be emailed to
Categories of Qualifying Persons
Who qualifies for a Waiver?
- Individuals who reside in a community scheme for which the monthly levy does not exceed R500
- Individuals whose monthly net household income (gross income less PAYE) is below R5 500
- Any person that receives the SASSA grant
- Any person residing in a scheme for retire persons, who is in Frail Care
- Any person residing in a scheme for retire persons, who is in Assisted Living / Mid Care Living
Note: According to Practice Directive No. 3 of 2017, it is not necessary for individuals whose monthly levy is below R500, or whose household income is below R5 500 or individuals who reside in the scheme for retired persons with assisted living, to apply for a waiver. However, the community scheme concerned must, when submitting a levy schedule, indicate the status of the unit owner and provide proof when required to do so.
Applications can be emailed to
File Annual Return
Annual Returns must be filed with the CSOS within four (4) months after the end of the community scheme’s financial year, by filling in the prescribed Form CS 2.
Completed forms must be emailed to
Registering a Community Scheme
In terms of the CSOS Act, all community schemes must register with the CSOS.
Registration must be filed within 30 days of the coming into effect of the CSOS Regulations (07 October 2016) or the community scheme’s date of incorporation according to applicable laws.
Registration is filed by completing the prescribed Form CS 1 and can be completed online or emailed to
There is no fee applicable to the registration of a community scheme.
Payments of Levies & Fees
CSOS levy payments are due on a quarterly basis however, community schemes can make arrangements to make annual payments in advance. All payments must be made using the unique CSOS registration number as a reference.
Levy Payment Banking Details
Account Name: Community Schemes Ombud Service
Bank: FNB
Account no. 62682595205
Account type: Public Sector Cheque Account
Branch Code: 200607 / Swift Code: FIRNZ AJJ
Example of Reference: CSOS registration number, eg. CSOS/REG/16/KZN/123456
Proof of all levy payments must be sent to:
Download levy calculator below
Amendment of Particulars
Changes to the particulars of a community scheme’s registration must be filed with the CSOS by filling in the prescribed Form CS1 A.
Completed forms must be emailed to